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Old School Letter Writing
Old School Letter Writing Trailer (1:08)
Lesson 1: Who Do I Write To?
Lesson 1: Who Do I Write To? Video Lecture (8:35)
Lesson 1 Transcript
Lesson 2: Get Back in Handwriting Shape!
Lesson 2: Get Back in Handwriting Shape! Video Lecture (6:52)
Lesson 2 Transcript
Lesson 3: Choosing Your Paper
Lesson 3: Choosing Your Paper Video Lecture (8:39)
Lesson 3 Transcript
DIY Paper Making Tutorial Video (2:42)
Lesson 4: Tools of the Trade
Lesson 4: Tools of the Trade Video Lecture (9:18)
Lesson 4 Transcript
Lesson 4 Homework Chart
Lesson 5: Do I Dare Doodle?
Lesson 5: Do I Dare Doodle? Video Lecture (10:10)
Lesson 5 Transcript
Lesson 1: Who Do I Write To? Video Lecture
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